got tagged ;)

BOOKLET OR TOME? i am happy to read a book, no matter how big it is, but i like it best when it's around 2-400 pages. :)


PRE-OWNED OR NEW?  pre-owned, but it must be in good condition! i really like a bargain. the cheaper it is, the more books you can get!


HISTORICAL FICTION OR FANTASY? i don't mind reading both genres, but i'm more of a fantasy girl. :


HARDCOVER OR PAPERBACK?  Paperback definitely, so much more comfortable to read.


FUNNY OR SAD? either way is fine for me, i rarely ever read books that give me the feels, but i do always love a good laugh too! 


DO YOU PREFER READING IN SUMMER OR IN WINTER? I will read any day, any time!


CLASSICS OR MAINSTREAM? i will read classics, but i prefer mainstream.


GUIDEBOOK OR FICTION?  i prefer fiction, but if there's something i need or want to learn about, guidebooks are always great!


CRIME NOVEL OR THRILLER? Thriller... I love suspense and a good scare. 


E-BOOK OR PRINT EDITION?  print edition all the way! i like e-books, but nothings better than being able to hold a book in your hands.


COLLECTING OR CLEARING OUT?  Um, Collecting for sure.  My bookshelves are all double-stacked. 


INTERNET OR BOOKSTORE? bookstore! i love being able to just look at all the books and finding all the ones i like!


BACKLIST OR NEW PUBLICATION? i will read pretty much anything.


BEST OR BAD SELLER?  best, pretty much.


COOKBOOK OR BAKING BOOK? Baking all the way!